#navbar-iframe {display: none !important;} WYD Team Information


WYD Team

Our WYD Team consists of passionate and energized, young people, like you, who has dreams in Life to WIN.Our dreams are alike and oriented, which made us to work together, eventually building up this site.

Our mission is to provide a good site, where you can read about Successful people ,their Leadership principles, tips to improve communication, Financial Awareness, Business Awareness, Social Awareness and everything else that we could provide, to 'Win Dreams Together'

Co-Founder WYD

"The wyd team is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world's great challenges. Wyd team is dedicated to providing its customers with a portal that provides various e-articles which will help to win the dreams. “

Co-founder WYD

“We seek to develop in each member of the wyd team the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind together with success"

Vivek M L
WYD Gallery

Vivek ML is handling the photography zone of WYD called the WYD Gallery. Vivek is working as Field Operations and Planning Engineer with Reliance Industries, Vadodara. He is friendly and straight forward in nature. His interests are with Nature, Photography, Music, Art and Philosophy.

We want ' You ' to be with us

We are looking out for Passionate People, who can kickstart any one of the WYD’s proposed educative and informative units below:

  • Sports

  • Music

  • Health

  • Travel

  • Automotive

  • History

  • If you have any suggested areas to start with, you can.

    For example, if you are a techie, who is interested to start zones( see WYD Peoplesoft) based on various technologies (ex:Networking,C++,oracle databse,SQL Server and etc etc) you are atmost welcome.

    Do not think that you are doing this for 'Nothing'. Each article you post you will earn INR 4/- to your credit.when you publish 50 articles to the corresponding site, you will get INR 200/-, which will be sent to your account. We do not think, getting top 50 articles is a big deal.

    when you cross 50 articles,you will earn INR 5/- from the 51th article.when you publish 100th one,you will be getting 250/- rupees into your dredit.The Cycle continues with an increment of INR 1/- everytime.Fair enough ?

    if you are ready to take a trial,write to us now and we will tell you the easiest way to publish your posts directly to the corresponding WYD Zone.

    Note that you are the Editor,Proofreader and the Publisher. The article you publish is read by many people around you. Think of that aspect and take a proud of what you do. Not only in this venture, but what ever you do in your Life. Because ATTITUDE really matters.

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